Giá Bitcoin Gold (BTG) hôm nay, biểu đồ giá chi tiết [Cập nhật 24/7]


-4.54% (24H)
  • Market Cap $637.24 M
  • Volume $35.77 M
  • Available Supply 17.51 M BTG

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Giá Bitcoin Gold (BTG) hiện tại là $36.31 với vốn hóa thị trường là $637.24 M. Giá biến động -4.54% down so với mức ghi nhận 24 giờ trước.

Các sàn tiền ảo hàng đầu để giao dịch Bitcoin Gold (BTG) là Binance, Huobi Global... Bạn cũng có thể tìm thấy các sàn giao dịch tiền ảo khác trong bài viết này.

Bitcoin Gold hopes to change the paradigm around mining on the Bitcoin blockchain. According to the founders, the Bitcoin blockchain has become too centralized. Large companies with huge banks of mining computers now mine the vast majority of Bitcoin. For the founders of Bitcoin Gold, having large companies control the Bitcoin network defeats the purpose of a decentralized ledger and peer-to-peer currencies. In response, they’ve initialized the Bitcoin Gold project. It’s an alternate fork of the Bitcoin blockchain that implements changes that make mining more equitable.The goal of Bitcoin Gold is to create a network where anyone can become a miner with only basic hardware. As a result, Bitcoin Gold mining would be spread among many miners, instead of a few large companies.There have several features such as decentralization. Bitcoin Gold decentralizes mining by adopting a PoW algorithm, Equihash-BTG, which cannot be run on the specialty equipment used for Bitcoin mining (ASIC miners.) This gives ordinary users a fair opportunity to mine with common GPUs. Besides, there have fair distribution. Hard forking Bitcoin’s blockchain fairly and efficiently distributes 16.5 million BTG immediately to people all over the world who have interest in cryptos.Other methods, such as creating coins with a new genesis block, concentrate ownership within a small group. There also have a replay protection. To ensure the safety of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Bitcoin Gold has implemented full replay protection and unique wallet addresses, essential features that protect users and their coins from several kinds of accidents and malicious threats. Most new mineable cryptocurrencies involve ASIC-resistant hashing algorithms, and it’s becoming something of an industry standard to promote decentralization. In that respect, Bitcoin Gold holds a lot to be excited about. At its core, it’s about transitioning the Bitcoin network to more decentralized mining.However, as we saw above, there’s not much evidence that the current Bitcoin mining system is broken. There have been some small complaints, and it’s not ideal that the network is so centralized. Nevertheless, miners on Bitcoin have a lot to lose if they wield their power too aggressively. There are also new entrants to the Bitcoin mining community that are decentralizing control from a few key ASIC farms. The general consensus from Bitcoin experts is there’s not enough new in Bitcoin Gold to warrant an independent investment. While it certainly doesn’t hurt to hold onto your free BTG that you receive as a result of the fork (if you owned Bitcoin before Oct 24), wait until the dust settles before deciding whether to buy more."
*Dữ liệu trên được lưu lại lúc 12:13 ngày 07/05/2024 trực tiếp từ các sàn giao dịch.

Xem thêm: Bảng tỷ giá tiền ảo hôm nay để biết giá của các đồng tiền điện tử khác.

Vậy là Tài Chính Plus đã giới thiệu sơ qua Bitcoin Gold (BTG). Hy vọng bạn đã có quyết định có nên đầu tư vào Bitcoin Gold hay không. Nếu bạn đã sẵn sàng hãy tham khảo các sàn giao dịch dưới đây.

Mua Bitcoin Gold (BTG) bằng VND hoặc ngoại tệ

#Tên SànĐăng KýĐánh Giá
1BinanceGiao Dịch Ngay9/10
2BitmaxGiao Dịch Ngay8/10
3HuobiGiao Dịch Ngay8/10
4CoinhakoGiao Dịch Ngay7/10
5T-RexGiao Dịch Ngay7/10
6RemitanoGiao Dịch Ngay7/10
7VCC.EXCHANGEGiao Dịch Ngay6/10


Trao đổi Bitcoin Gold (BTG) qua ví tiền điện tử